Radar & Sensing
On-Board and Ground-Based Radars / Sensors Design and Application
- Expertise in radar, electro-optical and infrared sensing applications, as well as critical technologies such as AESAs, DBF, high-resolution waveforms, electronic protection, and phenomenologies such as signature and propagation. Radar experience across the spectrum from HF through MMW.
- Deep knowledge in missile defense, aviation survivability, space launchers and payloads, space track, multiple function radars, instrumentation radars, integrated sensor and multidomain ISR architectures, left-of-launch, over-the-horizon technology, and foreign radar system and technology assessment
- Technical intelligence: reverse engineering and threat analysis on RF and optical systems
- Sensor performance analysis for architecture studies, systems development, operations, model validation, and test planning & analysis
- Analysis proficiency using industry standard tools, OSA Sensor Models, KODA's own proven analysis toolbox, and customer tools
- Electronic protection and discrimination design & algorithm development

Mission Area Expertise
- Missile Defense
- Technical Intelligence
- Space Payloads
- Left of Launch
- Assured Position, Navigation and Timing